Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Fast Typing

In high school, I took a typing class. Typing wasn't considered an essential skill, unless you wanted to be a secretary, author, or maybe a news reporter. At home we had a manual typewriter. My dad could type really fast on it. He learned in the Air Force, translating Morse Code.
Most of the machines in class were manual, I liked the smack the keys made as they hammered the letters against the paper.

In art school, I didn't need typing skills be a designer or illustrator. I left the typing to typesetters. When the Macintosh came along, I was grateful for my personal typing class.

Now I can type very easily, and reasonably quickly...maybe not as fast as this guy...

a picture of a guy typing fast


Tamsen said...

VERY cool, Bob! ( mand I loved typing class!) 92WPM was my best time. :0)

Unknown said...

Bob very interesting. Love this picture. I loved typing and learned on a manual. Then moved to electric. Gosh I remember the corrective tape and carbons!!!!